Since it was made public here locally (Hucknall, Nottingham) recently that I am the 11th Great Nephew of William Shakespeare, as well as a first-time author of fiction, both the library, the press and the District Council have become very interested in me. As well as having the books available for borrowing, the library was keen to devote a small area of the ‘Local Interest’ Reference Only section to myself (being a resident in the town for some 50 years). As a result, on Friday last I presented a copy of Seeds of Empires to one of the Councillors, who was very pleased to accept it on behalf of the library. I attach photographs of part of the event (I’m wearing the brown jacket). I feel honoured, and sense some irony in my novel being placed in the same section of the library as the poet Lord Byron, which is itself just 30 metres from the church, inside of which he is interred in his family vault. I also feel the irony of doing all of this from a position many leagues (in football parlance) below those two icons of literature, Byron and ‘the Bard of Avon’ (to who I am related).

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